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Jun 18, 2024 - Journal of Applied Oral Science
Belludi, Sphoorthi; R, Sreeparvathy; Prabhu, Ashwin, 2024, "Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) and Peripheral Blood Mesenchymal Stem Cells (PBMSCS) in the management of intraosseous defects",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:6874j88Fb2yo2/C0bBY3LA== [fileUNF]
This randomized clinical trial provides insight into the utilisation of a combination material of Platelet rich fibrin matrix (prfm) and peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells (pbmscs) in the management of intraosseous defects.
JPEG Image - 175.3 KB - MD5: c2c85e9aebfc5ea3afca20a39b845beb
Clinical procedure of placement of PRFM and radiographic images of follow-up at baseline, 3 months and 6 months intervals. 1A – Preoperative clinical PPD; 1B – Full thickness flap reflected and debridement of the defect site; 1C – Placement of PRFM into the defect site; 1D – Site...
JPEG Image - 162.7 KB - MD5: d19247961a971d5f22aa8629047d1a6d
Clinical procedure of placement of supercell and radiographic images of follow-up at baseline, 3 months and 6months intervals. 2A – Preoperative clinical PPD; 2B – Full thickness flap reflected and debridement of the defect site; 2C – Placement of supercell into the defect site;...
JPEG Image - 131.7 KB - MD5: 1c79e3411f777444fe34fd5c7e068152
Consort flowchart for patient enrolment, allocation, follow-up, and analysis.
JPEG Image - 514.0 KB - MD5: 59f2b6552004989213a0f76ce25a30e3
Merisis Supercell glue kits (PRFM+ stem cell) and Fabrication steps of Supercell glue. A - Withdrawal of 9 ml of venous blood; B - Merisis stem cell tube; C blood transferred to stem cell tube; D – Centrifugation of stem cell tube; E - Stem cell tube after centrifugation; F - Asp...
JPEG Image - 265.9 KB - MD5: a28557b38bcd078b822bc336e7305887
Mean PI, GI, PPD & CAL scores between different time intervals in control and test sites
JPEG Image - 234.1 KB - MD5: b4e85a49a03bbf27e241725e166c32e6
Mean Defect Depth & Defect Fill scores between different time intervals in control and test sites
JPEG Image - 215.1 KB - MD5: 3909f4d1fc10aeb5f677cd43d5bd9d76
EHI scores between control and test sites at 1 week
JPEG Image - 126.5 KB - MD5: 8184166698063dd750f57a1dc2b8929b
Linear measurements on digitized images; 6A – Pre-operative measurements in control group; 6B – 3months post-operative measurements in control group; 6C – 6months post-operative measurements in control group; 6D - Pre-operative measurements in test group; 6E - 3months post-operat...
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