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May 2, 2024 - Journal of Applied Oral Science
Beizhan, Jiang; Jing Pan; Linjuan Luo; Zhen Jiang; Haiyan Huang, 2024, "Replication Data for: The effect of injectable platelet-rich fibrin and platelet-rich fibrin in regenerative endodontics: a comparative in vitro study",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:8WHq9xHYoN2E4WbbGnGDRw== [fileUNF]
Objective: To explore the feasibility of injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) in regenerative endodontics by comparing the effect of i-PRF and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on biological behaviors and angiogenesis of human stem cells from apical papilla (SCAPs). Methodology: i-PR...
Tabular Data - 540 B - 3 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:21YANWkoC7FJeI/39GgS5g==
Primer sequences used in the RT-qPCR reaction.
JPEG Image - 800.6 KB - MD5: 37b519cd13bda2c9fa94b130b162ee64
Structures and growth factors of i-PRF and PRF. The microstructures of i-PRF (A) and PRF (B) were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining, in which fibrin fibrils were stained pink, while platelets and leukocytes were stained dark blue (scale bar = 100 µm). Leu: leukocytes; R...
JPEG Image - 94.1 KB - MD5: 048f6ae8c48c55efb4d3dbc63a7072f9
Effect of different concentrations of i-PRFe (A) and PRFe (B) on the proliferation of SCAPs for 1, 3 and 5 days. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of the OD value. (*P<.05, **P<.01, ***P<.001)
JPEG Image - 1.5 MB - MD5: 7d3a4796ed23354d1d1ec82a905a311b
Evaluation of proliferation and migration of SCAPs after culturing with i-PRFe or PRFe. (A) Statistical analysis of the proliferation proportions of different groups after culturing for 1, 3 and 5 days. Results are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of the OD value. (B) The a...
JPEG Image - 453.5 KB - MD5: 627efd738e33722b7c725682d2b4cde2
Effect of i-PRFe and PRFe on odonto/osteogenic differentiation of SCAPs. (A) Representative images of alizarin red staining (ARS) of SCAPs after culturing with different media for 7, 14 and 21 days. (B) Mineralization quantification was analyzed, and the results are expressed as...
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