5,471 to 5,480 of 5,666 Results
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MD5: 926dbc237c2646bf028e0881868cf53c
List of excluded studies. |
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MD5: 5c951f9a2f99c6b481f7698772316401
Risk of bias of the included studies. |
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MD5: 1a87720dc0fc54324ccb01dd6273b9d8
Funnel plot of included studies |
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MD5: f48259e22dab0356f698d99bae844e08
Sensibility analysis of subgroups pooled prevalence of common mental disorders. |
Nov 15, 2021 - Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Boska, Gabriella; Oliveira, Márcia; Seabra, Paulo, 2021, "Data for: "Acolhimento integral em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas na perspectiva da proteção dos direitos humanos"", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.WEPPZB, SciELO Data, V1
Material primário e detalhadamente metodológico das análises estatísticas que antecederam e subsidiaram os resultados do artigo científico em questão. |
Nov 15, 2021 -
Data for: "Acolhimento integral em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e Drogas na perspectiva da proteção dos direitos humanos"
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MD5: 0a1f896ea3a134b4376ec64f94c3bd29
Nov 12, 2021 - Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
Bes et al., 2021, "Supplementary Material of the article "Conjugative transfer of plasmid p_8N_qac(MN687830.1) carrying qacA gene from Staphylococcus aureus to Escherichia coli C600: potential mechanism for spreading chlorhexidine resistance"", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.O1A6MB, SciELO Data, V1
Supplementary Material of the article "Conjugative transfer of plasmid p_8N_qac(MN687830.1) carrying qacA gene from Staphylococcus aureus to Escherichia coli C600: potential mechanism for spreading chlorhexidine resistance" |
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MD5: b113531093cbff8c9ba54a23a75cb0ea
Supplementary Material of the article "Conjugative transfer of plasmid p_8N_qac(MN687830.1) carrying qacA gene from Staphylococcus aureus to Escherichia coli C600: potential mechanism for spreading chlorhexidine resistance" |
Nov 12, 2021 - Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
Nogueira et al., 2021, "Supplementary Material of the article "A phase IV, prospective, observational study of the clinical safety of snake antivenoms"", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.LLDEYG, SciELO Data, V1
Supplementary Material of the article "A phase IV, prospective, observational study of the clinical safety of snake antivenoms" |
Nov 12, 2021 -
Supplementary Material of the article "A phase IV, prospective, observational study of the clinical safety of snake antivenoms"
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MD5: b99ae443d186bc245934c8ee286308db
Supplementary Material of the article "A phase IV, prospective, observational study of the clinical safety of snake antivenoms" |