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1,401 to 1,410 of 5,731 Results
Jun 10, 2024 - SciELO Preprints
Matos, Mayara; Sanderson, Rebecca; Alves Costa Filho, Roraima; Iaochite, Roberto Tadeu, 2024, "Replication data for: ‘HOLIDAYS ARE HOLIDAYS, RIGHT? ‘BRAZILIAN LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL LIVES",, SciELO Data, V1
The work-life balance in higher education has been extensively studied but understanding of the academic work culture in the Global South, specifically in Brazil, is limited. This article explores Brazilian lecturers' perceptions of the interface between professional and personal...
Jun 7, 2024 - Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Jampersa, Lucas; Paisca, Adriele Barbosa; Taveira, Karinna Veríssimo Meira; Araújo, Cristiano Miranda de; Massi, Giselle Aparecida de Athayde, 2024, "Replication Data for: PREVALENCE OF REPORTED VIOLENCE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE CLINICAL WORK OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS",, SciELO Data, V1
Insert appendices to the article: "PREVALENCE OF REPORTED VIOLENCE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE CLINICAL WORK OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS". Appendix 1 Table 1: Search strategy in the databases Appendix 2 Excluded articles and reasons for e...
Jun 7, 2024 - Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Sanca, Amiry Monteiro; Figueiredo, Nikole Martins; Zago, Priscila Tadei Nakata; Rocha, Cristianne Maria Famer; Riquinho, Deise Lisboa, 2024, "Replication Data for: AS INICIATIVAS GLOBAIS DE SAÚDE E O COMBATE AO HIV/AIDS NO CONTINENTE AFRICANO: SCOPING REVIEW",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:Hr2gb3jQJqojo2zx32DkEw== [fileUNF]
A pesquisa busca, então, responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: qual é o estado da arte sobre a contribuição das IGSs no combate ao HIV no continente africano? Assim, delineou-se como objetivo identificar na literatura qual a contribuição das IGSs no combate ao HIV no continen...
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