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51 to 60 of 5,721 Results
Jan 29, 2025 - SciELO Preprints
Schiavi, Marcela; Hoffmann, Wanda Aparecida Machado, 2025, "Dados de replicação para: INDICADORES BIBLIOMÉTRICOS E MAPEAMENTO TECNOLÓGICO DO VEÍCULO ELÉTRICO",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:f782kCoHGZ+dG3qT9CYaeA== [fileUNF]
Os veículos elétricos (VEs) são uma solução estratégica para desafios ambientais, combinando eficiência energética e emissões reduzidas. Este estudo realiza uma análise bibliométrica e mapeamento tecnológico do setor, comparando a posição do Brasil com líderes como China, Estados...
Tabular Data - 8.8 KB - 47 Variables, 46 Observations - UNF:6:f782kCoHGZ+dG3qT9CYaeA==
Jan 29, 2025 - Journal of Applied Oral Science
Lima Guedes, Irisvaldo, 2025, "Replication Data for: Lipid nanocarrier containing eugenol for Denture Hygiene",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:cyAheEIh0185AunJ3aePcw== [fileUNF]
This study aimed to develop a lipid nanocarrier containing eugenol and evaluate its efficacy as a sanitizing agent for denture hygiene, targeting biofilms of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. The formulation was prepared using the emulsification method followed by ultrasonic...
Tabular Data - 754 B - 11 Variables, 8 Observations - UNF:6:wjnPdU6iaF+DvRmGk4GqdQ==
Spreadsheet containing raw data supporting the figures related to the antibiofilm activity of FNE and FNB formulations against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. This file details the values obtained during the experiments that generated the graphs presented in the manuscript...
Tabular Data - 5.5 KB - 2 Variables, 305 Observations - UNF:6:IyiLDDqV0PvhXFgUvPsDtg==
File containing raw experimental data on particle size, obtained using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Includes mean values and standard deviations, which support the analyses presented in the manuscript.
Tabular Data - 8.9 KB - 33 Variables, 33 Observations - UNF:6:8uWWNJOBEd8sHvwO82pxzg==
File containing the complete dataset and calculations related to the mathematical models fitted to the in vitro release kinetics. It includes parameters, equations, and statistical analyses used to evaluate the release profiles.
JPEG Image - 235.1 KB - MD5: 05895733f3d555d8c070485b09dad92c
AFM images. Legend: µV- microvolt ; 3D topography images (A and C) and 2D amplitude images (B and D). NFW (A and B); NFE (C and D). Scale = 2 µm (micrometer).
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