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71 to 80 of 216 Results
JPEG Image - 71.9 KB - MD5: e8fb3e2892051b6537781450b2108e9b
Activity of the test solutions on C. albicans and C. glabata biofilms: Legend: One-way ANOVA and Tukey test: NFE vs. NFW (P˂0.0001); NFE vs. SS(P˂0.0001); NFE vs. FE (P˂0.0001); NFW vs. SS (P˃0.999) NFW vs. FE (P˂0.0001); FE vs. SS (P˂0.0001). NFE (Nanostructured formulation con...
Tabular Data - 307 B - 7 Variables, 8 Observations - UNF:6:jyaRjvqS1ohK7IReO2DV7g==
Dataset in triplicate, resulting from the quantification of the drug released at predetermined time points, using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. These data were used to construct the release kinetics graph presented in the manuscript.
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template - 13.6 KB - MD5: 757496b55607b7963c6561ef46e0fd19
Spreadsheet containing data related to the stability of the formulations at time zero, 45 days, and 90 days. Time zero data include information on particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index, and encapsulation efficiency, which were used to compose the table of physicoche...
Plain Text - 12.6 KB - MD5: b3e8ccfafb28c328a36bb2d1b4ac9656
Adobe PDF - 414.6 KB - MD5: 80c438fe984e22965eed9684d92e970d
This file contains methodologies and results that were not included in the final manuscript. It includes data from infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), validation of the analytical method for eugenol, thermodynamic stability at time points of 0, 45, and 90 days, results from the cho...
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 33.0 KB - MD5: 9db12060ac0641888776f2a1522a4d13
Division of the specimens for the application of the treatment groups
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 32.0 KB - MD5: fad27b83091e6ede95e9f7152bf509c3
Physico-chemical characterization of the formulations (NFE and NFW)
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 33.0 KB - MD5: 6a18a85684502665a59f7469907c37ca
Inhibitory effect of nanostructured formulations (NFE and NFW) and eugenol against Candida strains
Jan 28, 2025 - Journal of Applied Oral Science
Ye Tian; Xinran Liu; Qiuyu Lu; Jiaxin Li; Tianqi Wang; Mei Tian; Yan Ding; Jinle Li, 2025, "Replication Data for: Bmal1 knockout aggravates Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced periodontitis by activating the NF-κB pathway",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:92cjsjvuTu/A1dkpMBpiaQ== [fileUNF]
Circadian rhythm disorders and NF-κB are closely linked and can exacerbate periodontitis; however, the mechanisms through which circadian rhythm-related genes influence periodontitis are not yet fully understood. Objective: We investigated the effect of brain and muscle Arnt-like...
JPEG Image - 3.1 MB - MD5: 120ebe53e93ca0c59942882e55747789
Bmal1 knockout aggravates bone resorption in the periodontitis group. (a) Bone resorption of the maxilla in each group. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and two-dimensional (2D) CT images are shown. (b) Quantitative analysis of the alveolar bone resorption area. (c) Quantita...
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