1,231 to 1,240 of 1,447 Results
Apr 3, 2023 - Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Belo Horizonte)
Cavalcanti, Cláudio José de Holanda, 2023, "Replication Data for: Artigo-parecer: Validação de teste em três camadas para mapear perfis epistemológicos de densidade.", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.OVTDVL, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:2uYSxEn1IlfgDE2FboGkOA== [fileUNF]
A partir dos dados do Estudo Internacional de Tendências em Matemática e Ciências (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study – TIMSS) do ano de 2019, foi elaborada uma visualização semelhante à uma construída pelo usuário @hhsievertsen no Twitter (Sievertsen, H. H., v... |
Apr 3, 2023 -
Replication Data for: Artigo-parecer: Validação de teste em três camadas para mapear perfis epistemológicos de densidade.
XML - 10.9 KB -
MD5: 17209c60852056f5eaba790569aa8759
arquivo xml com os códigos e nomes dos países :: xml file with country codes and names. |
Apr 3, 2023 -
Replication Data for: Artigo-parecer: Validação de teste em três camadas para mapear perfis epistemológicos de densidade.
Tabular Data - 24.0 KB - 16 Variables, 195 Observations - UNF:6:2uYSxEn1IlfgDE2FboGkOA==
dados sobre países, incluindo se pertencem ao Sul Global (ver https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/global-south-countries) :: countries data, including whether they belong to the Global South (see https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/global-south-count... |
Apr 3, 2023 -
Replication Data for: Artigo-parecer: Validação de teste em três camadas para mapear perfis epistemológicos de densidade.
Plain Text - 7.6 KB -
MD5: 425671ce0ec930965349882d4222d8ad
Readme file |
Apr 3, 2023 -
Replication Data for: Artigo-parecer: Validação de teste em três camadas para mapear perfis epistemológicos de densidade.
R Syntax - 25.5 KB -
MD5: 9aa67e32ee9613ad87ddfa98c7195a98
código usado para baixar e mesclar os dados, realizar as tranformações necessárias e construir os gráficos :: code used to download and merge data, perform the necessary transformations and build the plots. |
Mar 28, 2023 - Journal of Applied Oral Science
Wang, Si; Xiao, Xiaoyue; Chen, Jianwei; Zhai, Qiming; Xin, Liangjing; Zheng, Xinhui; Song, Jinlin, 2023, "Suppressing STAT3 activation impairs bone formation during maxillary expansion and relapse", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.37EU59, SciELO Data, V1
Objectives: The mid-palatal expansion technique is commonly used to correct maxilla constriction in dental clinics. There is, however, a tendency for it to relapse, and the key molecules responsible for modulating bone formation remain elusive. Thus, this study aimed to investiga... |
Mar 28, 2023 -
Suppressing STAT3 activation impairs bone formation during maxillary expansion and relapse
JPEG Image - 428.3 KB -
MD5: 102bb332f5f3acc5742cc5a2881e884d
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of expansion appliances used in the study. A, Inactivated expander. B, Activated expander. C, 100 g expansion force was exerted when the expander was installed on the occlusal surface of molars. |
Mar 28, 2023 -
Suppressing STAT3 activation impairs bone formation during maxillary expansion and relapse
JPEG Image - 76.3 KB -
MD5: 4c205748ad89f6b72872351a592528c9
Figure 2. Arch width changes and Micro-CT analysis. A, Arch width measurements. B, BV/TV change. C, TbN value change. *P < 0.05 |
Mar 28, 2023 -
Suppressing STAT3 activation impairs bone formation during maxillary expansion and relapse
JPEG Image - 660.0 KB -
MD5: 9779e88a88cf2661a38d164546ebef32
Figure 3. HE staining of the mid-palatal suture |
Mar 28, 2023 -
Suppressing STAT3 activation impairs bone formation during maxillary expansion and relapse
JPEG Image - 944.6 KB -
MD5: f093157c9226a03ad04e6c95299779b3
Figure 4. Masson staining of the mid-palatal suture |