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501 to 510 of 1,447 Results
Sep 4, 2023 - Biota Neotropica
PEREIRA DE OLIVEIRA, JOÉSILI CRISTINA, 2023, "Replication Data for: Croton L. (Crotonoideae, Euphorbiaceae) in a Protected Area in Northeast Brazil"",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:k1fLD/eyt8EjJ3edCf1RWQ== [fileUNF]
raw data used in the paper "Croton L. (Crotonoideae, Euphorbiaceae) in a Protected Area in Northeast Brazil
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 171.9 KB - MD5: af8d18c9a543ad82ef7361b48a8e7ff9
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 181.3 MB - MD5: 429fb0863fb20fbe607ce6f17876db08
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 584.4 KB - MD5: 5efd276ee25836dee98247f2ac2c13fe
Plain Text - 2.7 KB - MD5: b286cc182893a2bf55f3f909a690cf84
Tabular Data - 60.6 KB - 30 Variables, 265 Observations - UNF:6:k1fLD/eyt8EjJ3edCf1RWQ==
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