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1,121 to 1,130 of 1,696 Results
Tabular Data - 371.4 KB - 5 Variables, 4864 Observations - UNF:6:UXFs5T6JlBmTTkzt81Ji+g==
Plain Text - 4.6 KB - MD5: 8f5e1bb267857eecf8f7a9faea832a45
Descrição do contéudo das pastas e informações sobre os dados
Tabular Data - 1.5 KB - 14 Variables, 23 Observations - UNF:6:5ujMDrLEP29NQTrpJBGr/A==
Jun 24, 2024 - urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana
Franco Calderon, Angela Maria, 2024, "Data for: De desplazados rurales a segregados urbanos - Programa de Vivienda Gratuita para víctimas del conflicto armado en Cali",, SciELO Data, V1
Datos del artículo.
Adobe PDF - 164.2 KB - MD5: b17d5bc96552f615aa13be62acfbdf2d
Declaración en la que se explica por qué algunos datos de la investigación no están disponibles
Plain Text - 1.1 KB - MD5: 54ad5472dcdea74fc110ac79d85e3f9d
Archivo Readme con detalles sobre la información depositada.
Adobe PDF - 55.7 KB - MD5: 3c29e20e4be42f97efc06e46631fe76a
Unidad para las víctimas. (2024). Registro único de víctimas [Institucional].
Jun 24, 2024 - SciELO Preprints
Damázio, Laila Cristina Moreira; Oliveira Andrade, Beatriz Pimentel de; Silva Gomes, José Victor Ribeiro; Garcia Ruiz , Kananda Oliveira; Amaral, Mariela Svízzero; Fialho, Milena Henriques; Drumond, Rafael Fonseca; Ribeiro , Vitor de Oliveira, 2024, "Replication data for: Cardiovascular Risk Predictors in Primary Health Care: Reflections on the Adoption of Non-Laboratory Models",, SciELO Data, V1
This article raises considerations about the use of Cardiovascular Risk (CVR) stratification tools in Primary Health Care (PHC), focusing on the behavior of non-laboratory models as an alternative to laboratory predictions. This reflection is based on empirical research with a cr...
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