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1,301 to 1,310 of 1,696 Results
May 6, 2024 - Brazilian Journal of Geology
Warren, Lucas Verissimo, 2024, "Supplementary Material – Cerro Negro Formation U-Pb zircon data",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:7EKMrqiobh2ZRWKD5Mc5iw== [fileUNF]
Supplementary Material – Cerro Negro Formation U-Pb zircon data
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 31.6 KB - MD5: b597a7f70950af106ef0aa97eabd7163
Supp. Data - zircon ages
Adobe PDF - 223.5 KB - MD5: 1a8beb576f7963612b74cc8ff8b7abb5
Supp. Material - U-Pb zircon data
May 4, 2024 - SciELO Preprints
Bandeira, Victoria; Mourão, Luciana; Ferreira, Danielle, 2024, "Dados de replicação para: ADAPTAÇÃO AO ENSINO REMOTO E DESENVOLVIMENTO PROFISSIONAL DE UNIVERSITÁRIOS NA PANDEMIA",, SciELO Data, V1
Durante a pandemia da Covid-19, a transição dos estudantes universitários para o Ensino Superior presencial para o Ensino Remoto Emergencial exigiu uma significativa adaptação acadêmica. O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação entre a adaptação dos universitários ao Ensino...
May 3, 2024 - urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana
Goncalves, Gustavo Maciel; Maffini, Ana Luisa; Maraschin, Clarice, 2024, "Data for: Uncovering Income and Racial Spatial Inequalities and Segregation Patterns with a Potential Accessibility Network Index",, SciELO Data, V1, UNF:6:mc1feyOkWhhxE7LSbmLBIg== [fileUNF]
This study proposes and applies a network-based method for assessing the inequalities in access to opportunities for income and racial groups, and assess patterns of socio-spatial segregation based on urban accessibility levels. Please have a look at the paper for more details on...
Tabular Data - 2.3 MB - 1 Variables, 10686 Observations - UNF:6:mc1feyOkWhhxE7LSbmLBIg==
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