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4,551 to 4,560 of 4,692 Results
application/x-dbf - 338.6 KB - MD5: a7e887a6e15709e8e8224b9a69be1dbb
application/x-esri-crs - 145 B - MD5: 85d8a8fd0d91b7c51d69d8af3e22e13d
Unknown - 335 B - MD5: 4c543c617a953487a325790ecb7545b2
ESRI Shapefile - 128.3 MB - MD5: fca159262c360523ea70570bc38a2ff1
ESRI Shapefile - 2.8 KB - MD5: f8dcf4fc463840a3d947644efaa0566d
Comma Separated Values - 6.3 KB - MD5: 542951636b44532d2e53c62cfd7f8543
Tabular Data - 1.5 KB - 3 Variables, 40 Observations - UNF:6:6TLWu+XBvh951t6HyCCEEg==
Tabular Data - 1.5 KB - 3 Variables, 36 Observations - UNF:6:I9K16Dra8SAqhHKHHXE51A==
Tabular Data - 1.3 KB - 3 Variables, 37 Observations - UNF:6:YP7kVPlb60eX6cZATnESxQ==
Plain Text - 2.6 KB - MD5: 1db7acca57cf9bb1f034dd724710582b
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