4,571 to 4,580 of 4,692 Results
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
application/x-esri-crs - 145 B -
MD5: 85d8a8fd0d91b7c51d69d8af3e22e13d
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
Unknown - 335 B -
MD5: 4c543c617a953487a325790ecb7545b2
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
ESRI Shapefile - 1.1 KB -
MD5: 489073b301fed0374c1ef81789774d36
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
ESRI Shapefile - 404 B -
MD5: 9c321125c931c5b46564e404872f6aa0
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
Tabular Data - 2.0 KB - 7 Variables, 40 Observations - UNF:6:JrMled6gJUFGZlBZ8qac2g==
Oct 27, 2021 -
Data for: Trends and evolution of automobile ownership in the municipalities of Chile
Tabular Data - 1.2 KB - 3 Variables, 34 Observations - UNF:6:W3xhZ2A7gQ5smcfSvXl3qQ==
Comma Separated Values - 842.3 KB -
MD5: 80ae2e15e6adc0a10759ac9d9a82d208
Base de datos con los resultados de la Encuesta de Percepción Ciudadana 2018 de Barranquilla Cómo Vamos. |
Comma Separated Values - 38.5 KB -
MD5: 0d06f8a9b2ae2bd065a709eca1560b90
Diccionario de variables de la Encuesta de Percepción Ciudadana de Barranquilla Cómo Vamos. |
R Syntax - 2.8 KB -
MD5: ef6c965aab80d14d41228a9b0c2be53e
Script del lenguaje de programación R donde se realizó el análisis de correspondencias múltiples y el clustering jerárquico descritos en este artículo. |
Plain Text - 4.5 KB -
MD5: 7298db51bcd09f3a5ff7e67bd190cd65
Archivo README con información a tener en cuenta. |