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1,661 to 1,670 of 1,705 Results
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Los dibujos se elaboran siguiendo las instrucciones de la ficha de “Elaboración y organización de dibujos” explorando cuatro dimensiones del paisaje de Tlajomulco: agua, comunidad, suelo y flora y fauna. El objetivo del instrumento es trazar los elementos del paisaje Tlajomulque...
Adobe PDF - 130.9 KB - MD5: 7b2ac14459239cae4e3d8d7bdc234c2b
Supplementary Material of the article "Real-life occurrence of sexually transmitted bacterial infections among PrEP users: improving the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae with multisite screening"
Adobe PDF - 77.0 KB - MD5: 85257f89f01e19e260f35eef16b512a3
Supplementary Material of the article "Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains: a worrying health problem in intensive care units"
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 745.5 KB - MD5: 58565b07086b83f857c36bdba874f4f2
Aplicação do método PROMETHEE ao centro urbano de Campinas
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 795.5 KB - MD5: ff2af430fe03f49d729699646c64bc02
Apresenta o problema completo de caminha no centro urbano de campinas. Considera dois terminais e cinco pontos de destino
Adobe PDF - 45.4 KB - MD5: f915379f0ca911ebc18ab7b0841c54fb
Perguntas do questionário utilizado na pesquisa de panorama do Projeto Adote Uma Escola no município de Pelotas
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