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1,011 to 1,020 of 1,696 Results
JPEG Image - 311.2 KB - MD5: 85e53005c348fa4ccd0253866ea14d40
Heat-map analysis of bacterial pathways identified though the values (TPM) of each KEGG in patient’s subgingival biofilm. A) Representation of the glycosaminoglycan degradation, glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, other glycan degradation and peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathways. B) R...
Tabular Data - 378.2 KB - 8 Variables, 3899 Observations - UNF:6:CXoFPzCp97EnHayFc1XXUg==
Values (TPM) for total counts of each KEGG in both groups
Tabular Data - 18.1 KB - 13 Variables, 324 Observations - UNF:6:o+VbzrOErnX+SCAH/WHMhg==
KEGGs differentially expressed in both groups.
Tabular Data - 45.5 KB - 17 Variables, 324 Observations - UNF:6:vu2OgHdTAv9gs8leIqYZxA==
Values for total Orthology counts (up/down) of each pathway in both groups.
Tabular Data - 452 B - 3 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:XPOoD29Qvj8z07zu4lCnCA==
Pathways significantly up and/or down regulated by orthologues in PerioCSmk group.
Tabular Data - 646 B - 4 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:1yLLw9hhBSkd7EDmzgv15g==
Differentially expressed genes (DEG) of Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) subgingival biofilm of both groups. Positive fold change indicated increased expression in PerioCSmk group.
Tabular Data - 567 B - 3 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:oJcx48FhYrXk9DbzGLCuHw==
Demographic and clinical data for PerioCSmk and PerioCNsmk groups.
Tabular Data - 2.2 KB - 5 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:OHeiVCIU/xKiUTloDIpS7g==
Top 10 over-expressed genes in PerioCSmk group.
Tabular Data - 2.7 KB - 6 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:PclEKtnO9RWJm1b07ya26w==
Top 10 over-expressed genes in non-smokers’ group.
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