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171 to 178 of 178 Results
MS Word - 27.7 KB - MD5: 8c986c217c04cddc18017bbcbc526dae
The differential abundance of the oral microbiota across various taxonomic units in HNSCC and OPMD
JPEG Image - 255.5 KB - MD5: 68623dea5281792f66330305eddfe651
Study Workflow - Microbial Signatures in HNSCC - An in-silico study
Plain Text - 2.7 KB - MD5: 363d16ee4c9127257c53783e23b01a59
MS Word - 1.1 MB - MD5: 5d1ba4ccac6f2cf91bde577b8dd7797d
GEO database analysis (only for review)
Tabular Data - 4.0 KB - 4 Variables, 115 Observations - UNF:6:Z8dGHl9mHxkMCEQklAw8Pg==
Comparison of bacterial prevalence between HNSCC and GI carcinoma across various taxonomic units
Tabular Data - 655 B - 3 Variables, 22 Observations - UNF:6:k7x8hJSyyeZelGweyVI/eQ==
Demographic details - Clinicopathological characteristics of normal mucosa and HNSCC tissue samples
Tabular Data - 2.3 KB - 8 Variables, 17 Observations - UNF:6:rzcbal6+rACaYOmd9K2s0g==
The molecular patterns (proteins, mRNA, and miRNA) correlated with the bacteria exhibiting differential abundance in HNSCC
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