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1,111 to 1,120 of 1,544 Results
ESRI Spatial Index - 19.0 KB - MD5: b06a7858ddffefd3f9d2baf86f075999
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile - 74.5 KB - MD5: 11beaa76e757beb0e45a9e725ab9a0c6
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 6.7 KB - MD5: 4f5de21700021973189030be6721d2c5
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 6.4 KB - MD5: fc9d85f3fa7436288ca1167467b84e8c
Shapefile as ZIP Archive - 77.9 KB - MD5: 96baf77b5c49c33f3dbecc6c5216a872
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