21 to 30 of 99 Results
Nov 1, 2024
M. Gabriela; Guido, Paoli; González Lazcano, Covadonga, 2024, "Implementación y evaluación preliminar del Microambiente Tumoral del Co-Cultivo HTB-125 / HTB-126 en respuesta a los tratamientos con Ascorbato de Potasio con Ribosa o Ribosato de Potasio", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.MXCVG8, SciELO Data, V1
La implantación de una célula maligna o de una colonia metastásica es un indicio indiscutible de la respuesta combinada de células tumorales y células sanas, y es la consecuencia final de un proceso activo, continuo, complejo y de múltiples pasos llamado cascada metastásica. Uno... |
Oct 31, 2024
Gavioli, Aroldo; Fernanda dos Santos Bezerra Ludwig, Erika, 2024, "Replication data for: Analysis of Mortality Among Patients Attended by a Mobile Emergency Service in Paraná Between 2019 and 2020", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.4RTE3C, SciELO Data, V1
Objective: To analyze the mortality of patients treated by an Emergency Mobile Care Service (SAMU) located in Paraná. Method: a cross-sectional study developed with data from care reports of 2019 and 2020; the SAMU covers 21 municipalities, regionalized into Poles A and B. The de... |
Oct 14, 2024
Sainz, Nilton; Rodrigues Viegas, Rafael; Carvalho Teixeira, Marco Antonio, 2024, "Replication data for: MEASURING THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICES IN BRAZIL: A PROPOSAL FOR A MULTIDIMENSIONAL INDEX", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.WF1ZYE, SciELO Data, V1
The Brazilian Public Defender's Offices play a crucial role not only in providing legal assistance to citizens in situations of social vulnerability but also in acting against the state to demand the provision of public services and to combat abuses of power at the federal, state... |
Sep 24, 2024
Eros, 2024, "Replication data for: “PROGRAMA” (TRICK), MALE ESCORTS (GAROTOS DE PROGRAMA / GPs), AND CLIENTS: GENDER TECHNOLOGY AND LABOUR PERFORMATIVITY", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.TYHJU4, SciELO Data, V1
This paper investigates the deconstruction and reimagining of the concept of “sex work”, focusing on the process of producing corporealities in relation to the circulation of goods and money, based on fieldwork conducted with male sex workers (garotos de programa / GPs) in São Pa... |
Sep 14, 2024
Ferreira, Allan Herison; Trevisan, Ana Carolina, 2024, "Replication data for: DIGITAL NARRATIVES AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.HLJOJR, SciELO Data, V1
This article examines the impact of social media platforms and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on the construction of digital identities and communication. It explores how platforms such as YouTube influence the creation, expression, and perception of identities while d... |
Sep 14, 2024
dos Santos, Rebeca; Portilho, Fátima, 2024, "Replication data for: Food Activism and Movements around Unconventional Edible Plants", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.TAWZAE, SciELO Data, V2
This research proposes an analysis of Brazilian food activism today, focusing specifically on the food movements around Unconventional Food Plants (PANC-Wild Foods). Our theoretical basis was among Food Sociology, Food Activism and Consumer Studies. Through the search tool in Ins... |
Sep 13, 2024
Manes, Matteo, 2024, "Replication data for: Thematic Caucuses and their definitions: a systematic review", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.BAAKHO, SciELO Data, V1
The literature on thematic caucuses and parliamentary fronts does not always agree on what defines these cross-party groups. Based on a systematic review of texts published between 2018 and 2024, following Cooper's (2016) protocol, this article aims to answer: (1) how the concept... |
Sep 12, 2024
Holzmann, Ana Paula Ferreira; Camarneiro, Ana Paula Forte; Cunha-Oliveira, Aliete; Grandi, João Luiz; de Oliveira Dias, Cristiano Leonardo; Silveira Soares , Janer Aparecida; Martins Silva, Yan Lucas; Taminato, Mônica; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida, 2024, "Dados de replicação para: Fatores associados à disposição de jovens do ensino superior para adesão ao rastreio da sífilis", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.YQVQF8, SciELO Data, V1
Objetivos: Investigar os fatores associados à disposição para conhecer o estado sorológico para a sífilis entre estudantes do ensino superior. Métodos: Estudo transversal e analítico realizado com estudantes do ensino superior de Portugal. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de qu... |
Sep 5, 2024
Carrasco-Jiménez, Edison, 2024, "Replication data for: First observations and critical review of the draft “Law establishing the Comprehensive Mental Health Law”", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.YSUD2F, SciELO Data, V1
The purpose of this article is to provide a dogmatic analysis of the Draft Law establishing the Comprehensive Mental Health Law (2024), sent by the Executive to Congress. Three errors of form were detected, as well as drafting errors, in addition to, and from a legal critique, fi... |
Sep 3, 2024
Franciscão Costa, Mariana; Tibério Checon, Cristiane; Rodrigues Silva, Wesley, 2024, "Replication data for: Shifting from seed predator to seed disperser in the Picazuro Pigeon: Insights from an urbanized area", https://doi.org/10.48331/scielodata.FZ4NIW, SciELO Data, V1
Frugivory supports seed dispersal and the reproductive success of various plants. Environmental degradation can lead to the local extinction of medium and large frugivores, jeopardizing this process. The picazuro pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro), typically associated with open and s... |