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11 to 20 of 49 Results
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Supplementary Material of the Article "Associated factors, incidence, and management of gestational and congenital syphilis in a Brazilian state capital: a cross-sectional study"
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Supplementary Material of the Article "Epidemiological and molecular surveillance of norovirus in the Brazilian Amazon Region: description of recombinant genotypes and improvement of evolutionary analysis"
Adobe PDF - 80.6 KB - MD5: bff9beeaa61c60d1c516f92f160a78d9
Supplementary Material of the Article "COVID-19 in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients during three years of the pandemic: a multicenter study in Brazil"
Adobe PDF - 570.0 KB - MD5: d3b619c0cdb073ffbe87ec3fabc34858
Supplementary Material of the Article "Immune system gene polymorphisms associated with severe dengue in Latin America: a systematic review"
Adobe PDF - 256.3 KB - MD5: 2b5eb1155fb724c7417930d3ddc0532f
Supplementary Material of the Article "Maternal A90V mutation in the PreS1 gene of sub-genotype C2 hepatitis B virus is associated with intrauterine transmission"
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