181 to 190 of 452 Results
Oct 31, 2023 -
Data for: REBEn-2023-0218: Cuidados Paliativos ao paciente com SARS-COV-2 em unidade de terapia intensiva: estudo compreensivo
Adobe PDF - 301.1 KB -
MD5: c093e4e6c8ee90783d067c7c8a9fbede
Transcrição das entrevistas |
Oct 31, 2023 -
Data for: REBEn-2023-0218: Cuidados Paliativos ao paciente com SARS-COV-2 em unidade de terapia intensiva: estudo compreensivo
Comma Separated Values - 2.0 KB -
MD5: d16dd4701ac60f415a55e946d723803b
Descrição sóciodemográfica dos participates |
Oct 31, 2023 -
Data for: REBEn-2023-0218: Cuidados Paliativos ao paciente com SARS-COV-2 em unidade de terapia intensiva: estudo compreensivo
Adobe PDF - 182.4 KB -
MD5: 76afd6cac6a3f7486a4e9e3a8710e8fa
README dos arquivos submetidos |
Oct 9, 2023 -
Data for: REBEn-2023-0361: Implantação do Acolhimento e Classificação de Risco em Obstetrícia num hospital terciário
Tabular Data - 188.2 KB - 39 Variables, 963 Observations - UNF:6:uqcdTOT/nf7K7A/LHt+gYg==
Banco de Dados |
Oct 9, 2023 -
Data for: REBEn-2023-0361: Implantação do Acolhimento e Classificação de Risco em Obstetrícia num hospital terciário
Adobe PDF - 65.3 KB -
MD5: 5d0275af80f674c22d85d2a3adb19b19
Readme |
Plain Text - 62.2 KB -
MD5: 5cbed1d20e34dce67fa504b6aa9eeca8
The evaluation requested from the experts consisted of comparing each translated item with the original version, assigning their opinion to analyze of equivalences, and issuing comments with suggestions for improving the instrument. The experts should cons ider the grammatical a... |
Plain Text - 9.4 KB -
MD5: cc80a8ac75c9891fd1c0cd10d29c1880
The pre-test with the 18 mothers was carried out from January to March 2021 to verify the clarity and understanding of the BSES-SF among mothers of ill or preterm infants to Portuguese and contribute to the semantic, idiomatic, and cultural equivalence. The researchers informed t... |
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MD5: 2c41d71d1715935f9e4c98087b2810b7
Plain Text - 3.0 KB -
MD5: ff98a13a867a06e7217b5859f7058776
The researchers emailed the judges a description of the scale’s purpose, the study's objectives, the translated scale, the consent form, and the questionnaire to evaluate the content. The purpose of this phase was to validate the content using the content validity coefficient (CV... |
Adobe PDF - 110.3 KB -
MD5: 0c7daa48ebca1d2e1e88e0e97d48f909