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591 to 599 of 599 Results
Comma Separated Values - 1.2 KB - MD5: 4dcdcd535ac423f3f0d7db134f0f5fad
Fig S4. Data for the body weights of the mice.
JPEG Image - 990.2 KB - MD5: 4066301cc37e3bde8dff4b6829fcaf89
Fig S4. The body weights of the mice.
JPEG Image - 710.3 KB - MD5: f7b08274e4138fd29e7aba172cb91ab1
Fig S5. P. gingivalis survival rates inside the macrophages.
Comma Separated Values - 569 B - MD5: 6e8501a86fae2f58d4876370338b2975
Fig S5. Tabular data for P. gingivalis survival rates inside the macrophages.
Plain Text - 570 B - MD5: 18d1254a50c1300be72cf86f40f2d118
Fig S1. Figure legend for Fig. S1 in supplementary file 1.
Plain Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: b6e4426261ec15fcb3829bd3e5c85df1
Fig S2 & S3. Figure legends for Fig. S2 & Fig. S3 in supplementary file 2.
Plain Text - 264 B - MD5: 6f16d1d062fc014ac0c86b840ae6d470
Fig S4. Figure legends for Fig. S4 in supplementary file 3.
Plain Text - 1.6 KB - MD5: 9924ebdf44346df110d49de5eb144c7f
Fig S5. Figure legends for Fig. S5 in supplementary file 4.
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