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61 to 70 of 599 Results
JPEG Image - 274.7 KB - MD5: 0c6deb9dddc0be89f18b5c022e3aa656
Cell viability of pre-osteoblasts and osteoblasts after ALN treatment and discontinuation at various time points. MC3T3 cells were incubated with 1, 5, and 10 µM ALN (A1, A5, and A10). Negative control was abbreviated as A0. The “S” was abbreviated for stoppage of ALN. N = 4
JPEG Image - 259.7 KB - MD5: 14c1d924432c6f3bc3f4f925dec34bea
Examination of osteoblast nodule formation and viability. Osteoblasts were incubated with 1, 5, and 10 µM ALN (A1, A5, and A10). (A) Micrographs demonstrate nodule formation after treatment and cessation of ALN. (B) Quantification of alizarin red-positive area (mm2). (C) Quantifi...
JPEG Image - 137.6 KB - MD5: dfe16c2f3ff21028ab9d438dc2ff9407
Evaluation of viable cells. (A) Micrographs of pre-osteoblast depicting cell morphology. (B) Number of live cells after 7-day cell culture. (C) Percent of dead cells after 7-day cell culture. Arrowhead indicated round cells. Scale bar = 100 µm. N = 4
JPEG Image - 320.9 KB - MD5: dd73b40a86ddb058708dfb9104c6f351
Investigation of cell adhesion after treatment and cessation of ALN. (A) Confocal images of nuclei and cell cytoskeleton. (B) Number of DAPI/field. (C) Stress fiber intensity. (D) Stress fiber density. (E) Cell area (µm2). (F) Cell perimeter. (G) Area/perimeter (A/P). (H) Aspect...
JPEG Image - 307.7 KB - MD5: efad4e6fcdde9135af7d70052c30cc92
Gene expressions. Two conditions of treatment and cessation were investigated. Gr 1: Tx1d S1d, Gr 9: Tx4d S3d. Dashed lines are mRNA expressions of A0. N = 3
JPEG Image - 286.5 KB - MD5: ee8f86777d0b921e1f3b5a8e913dc257
A schematic diagram demonstrates experimental plan. (A) Time periods of ALN treatment and discontinuation for cell viability. (B) Time periods of ALN treatment and discontinuation for mineralization. (C) Cell adhesion and cell cytoskeleton processing
JPEG Image - 71.4 KB - MD5: 55fe316fd1469fabdc108da18771661a
MTT assay demonstrates pre-osteoblast cell viability. The cells without treatment grew gradually from 2 days to 7 days. ALN treatments (1, 5, and 10 µM) affected cell viability
JPEG Image - 166.8 KB - MD5: e6c8ddf610a25f3d2ab5b6dd998a622a
This study demonstrated the effects of ALN and ALN discontinuation in a pre-osteoblast/an osteoblast. ALN and ALN discontinuation affected cell cytoskeleton (red color), which led to changes in cell morphology, cell adhesion, cell viability, and bone nodule formation. ALN, alendr...
Tabular Data - 1.8 KB - 3 Variables, 38 Observations - UNF:6:jOgApQSchn44yxTgNWRXiw==
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