The database was created by our research group to record some variables on cat ownership in the dairy farms of Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico, in which we collected variables such as cat ownership status (domestic or stray), age (1= 0 to 5 months, 2= 6 to 12 months 3= older than 12 months), sex (M male, F female) and, for domestic cats, the type of food consumed, where 1 = raw meat, 2 = leftovers and 3 = commercial food, as well as the diagnostic result by ELISA, where 0 was negative and 1 was positive.
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| The data collected during the study period were captured in a single file containing a database in the Excel program, corresponding to some characteristics of the CAIT cats, such as being stray or having a guardian (stray or domestic), approximate age, sex, type of food they received (only in the case of animals with guardians) and serological test results. Description of the methods used to process the data: depending on the data, they were coded according to the following Specific data information: Variables: 1. cat type: nominal variable, with two categories, domestic or stray, 2. Age: ordinal variable, in 3 categories (1= < 6 months, 2 = between 6 and 12 months and 3 = older than 12 months). 3. Sex. Categorical variable (M= Male, F = Female) 4. Type of food. This variable could only be collected in domestic cats, it is categorical where: 1= raw meat, 2 = leftovers and 3 = commercial food, empty boxes is because no information was obtained in stray cats. 5. Elisa Results: It is a categorical variable, where: 1= positive 0= negative. |