Geographic Coverage
| The Culicoides were collected in Jordao farm 4°13'02"S 38°57'10"W 823 m, Museum station 4°13'35"S 38°55'19"W 742 m, Pacoti municipality, Baturité Highland, Ceará State, Northeast of Brazil (Figure1), 95 km from Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará, Brazil, covering an area of 108.55 km², and 56.20% of its area being included in the Environmental Protection Area of Baturité (IBGE, 2007). The municipal headquarters is located at the bottom of the valley, and it is characterized by intensive land use according to the layout of the relief. Its growth is accompanied by the expansion of occupation on steep slopes and the banks of the Pacoti River and tributary streams. The vegetation is characterized by humid forest enclaves in the semi-arid region that functioned as ecological refuges for flora and fauna, providing natural shelter for several endangered species and new species not yet described (Andrade-Lima, 1982). They are characterized by having plants with Amazon, Atlantic, and Caatinga distribution (Santos et al. 2007). |
Temporal Coverage
| 2015-03-01 2022-08-21 |
Taxonomic Coverage
| A total of 527 Culicoides specimens were screened, 467 females (88.61%) and 60 males (11.39%) distributed into 17 species (Table 1): one for the subgenus Avaritia Fox, 1955 (C. pusillus); one for the subgenus Diphaomyia Vargas, 1960 (C. freitasi); one for the subgenus Drymodesmyia Vargas, 1960 (C. poikilonotus); six species for the subgenus Haematomyidium Goeldi, 1905 (C. crucifer, C. darlingtonae, C. debilipalpis, C. martyrius, C. paraensis e C. peruvianus); three for the subgenus Hoffmania Fox, 1948 (C. diabolicus, C. insignis e C. lutzi); one for the unplaced fluvialis, species group (C. leopoldoi); one for the subgenus unplaced, leoni species group (C. gabaldoni); one for the Subgenus unplaced, limai species group (C. limai); one for the subgenus unplaced, reticulatus species group (C. pifanoi); and an unidentified male C. sp1. |
Taxonomic Classification
| Species Maruim, Biting Midges CLASTRIER, J.1968. Deux Ceratopogonides nouveaux de la Guyane Francaise. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de la Guyane Francaise et de L'Inini 21:85-92.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges WIRTH, W.W. & BLANTON, F.S. 1971. New Neotropical sandflies of the Culicoides debilipalpis group (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 73:34-43.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges LUTZ, A. 1913. Contribuição para o estudo das ceratopogoninas hematófagas do Brasil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 5(1): 45-72.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges HOFFMAN, W.A. 1925. A review of the species of Culicoides of North and Central America and the West Indies. American Journal of Hygiene 5:274-301.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges WIRTH, W.W. & BLANTON, F.S. 1973. A review of the maruins or biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the Amazon Basin. Amazoniana 4(4):405-470.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges ORTÍZ, I. 1954. Sobre dos nuevos dipteros hematofagos del genero Culicoides (Nematocera, Ceratopogonidae). Archivos Venezolanos de Patologia Tropical y Parasitologia Médica 2:221- 226.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges LUTZ, A. 1913. Contribuição para o estudo das ceratopogoninas hematófagas do Brasil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 5(1): 45-72.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges ORTIZ, I. 1951. Estudios en Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Sobre los caracteres diferenciales entre Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi, 1905), C. stellifer (Coquillett, 1901), y C. lanei (Ortiz, 1950). Descipcion de cuatro nuevas especies con la redescripcion de algunas otras poco conocidas. Revista de Sanidad y Asistencia Social 16:573–591.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges BARRETTO, M.P. 1944. Sobre o género Culicoides Latreille, 1809, com a descricao de trés novas espécies (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Annais da Faculdade de Medicina (da Universidade) de São Paulo 20:89-105.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges COSTA LIMA, A. 1937. Chave das espécies de Culicoides da região neotropical (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 32:411-422. [viewed 2 January, 2024]. Available from:
Species Maruim, Biting Midges TRINDADE, R.L. & FELIPPE-BAUER, M.L. 2011. Two new biting midges from Para, Brazil (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 106:61-64.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges GOELDI, E. 1905. Os mosquitos no Para. Reuniao de quatro trabalhos sobre os mosquitos indigenas, principalmente as especies que molestam o homem. Memorias do Museu Goeldi (Museu Paraense) de Historia Naturale e Ethnographie 4:1–54
Species Maruim, Biting Midges FELIPPE-BAUER, M.L., CÁCERES, A.G., SILVA, C.S., VALDERRAMA-BAZAN, W. & GONZALES-PEREZ, A. 2003. Two new Culicoides of the paraensis species group (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the Amazonian region of Peru. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 98:1051-1058. [viewed 2 January, 2024]. Available from:
Species Maruim, Biting Midges ORTIZ, I. 1951. Estudios en Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Sobre los caracteres diferenciales entre Culicoides paraensis (Goeldi, 1905), C. stellifer (Coquillett, 1901), y C. lanei (Ortiz, 1950). Descipcion de cuatro nuevas especies con la redescripcion de algunas otras poco conocidas. Revista de Sanidad y Asistencia Social 16:573–591.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges MACFIE, J.W.S. 1948. Some species of Culicoides (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) from the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 42:67-87.
Species Maruim, Biting Midges LUTZ, A. 1913. Contribuição para o estudo das ceratopogoninas hematófagas do Brasil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 5(1): 45-72.
Species sp. Maruim, Biting Midges BORKENT, A. & SPINELLI, G.R. 2007. Neotropical Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Insecta). In: ADIS, J., ARIAS, J.R., RUEDA-DELGADO, G. & WANTZEN, K.M. Aquatic biodiversity in Latin America (ABLA). Moscow: Pensoft Publishers 198 pp. |
| The were collected in Jordao farm 4°13'02"S 38°57'10"W 823 m, Museum station 4°13'35"S 38°55'19"W 742 m, Pacoti municipality, Baturité Highland, Ceará State, Northeast of Brazil, 95 km from Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará, Brazil, covering an area of 108.55 km², and 56.20% of its area being included in the Environmental Protection Area of Baturité. The municipal headquarters is located at the bottom of the valley, and it is characterized by intensive land use according to the layout of the relief. Its growth is accompanied by the expansion of occupation on steep slopes and the banks of the Pacoti River and tributary streams. The vegetation is characterized by humid forest enclaves in the semi-arid region that functioned as ecological refuges for flora and fauna, providing natural shelter for several endangered species and new species not yet described. They are characterized by having plants with Amazon, Atlantic, and Caatinga distribution. To capture samples, CDC-type light traps were used near peridomicilary areas and forests of rural areas, where collections were carried out from March 2015 and August 2022. Farias E, Pessoa F, Almeida J. 2016. List of Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the state of Amazonas, Brazil, including new records. Check List 12(6): 2002.; Farias, E.S., Almeida, J.F., Pereira-Silva, J.W., Coelho, L.S., Ríos-Velásquez, C. M., Luz, S. L. B., & Pessoa, F. A. C.. (2020). Diversity of biting midges Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), potential vectors of disease, in different environments in an Amazonian rural settlement, Brazil. Revista Da Sociedade Brasileira De Medicina Tropical, 53, e20200067. |