| We checked species occurrences for the Baturité Mountain EPA, which has coordinates between 4º08' and 4º27' South, and 38º50' and 39º05' West and an area of 32,690 hectares (SEMA, 1992, Ribeiro et al. 2022). 134 publications and data from the online platform of the virtual herbarium of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden were analyzed. ( (Table 1), mentioned the registration of specimens distributed in 76 locations belonging to the Baturité Mountain EPA (Figure 1e) (Table 2). The searches for occurrence records began in July 2020 and ended in August 2023, also carried out on three online search platforms: Google Scholar, JSTORr, and Web of Science. We carried out searches using keywords in Portuguese and English related to locations in the region, as well as different taxa, always followed by the locality “Baturité”, aiming to include both studies carried out in the Baturité Massif and only in the Baturité Mountain. We chose the search taxa based on the results found for the localities, searching for large taxa that were not listed (or listed in small quantities) in previous search results. That way, in addition to the following keywords, the word ‘Baturité’ has been added: Places: "EPA" ; "Atlantic Forest"; “Forest Mountains” and ”Ceará”; “Humid Forest” and “Ceará”; "Humid Forest"; "Massif"; "Mountain Forest"; "Northeast"; “Rainforest”; "Ridge"; "Semi-Arid Region of Brazil". Taxa: "Acari"; "Agaricales"; "Amphibia"; "Amylocorticiales"; "Anura"; Arachnida"; "Araneae"; "Archaeosporales"; "Arthoniomycetes"; "Atheliales"; "Auriculariales"; "Aves"; “Bacteria”; "Basidiomycota"; "Blastocladiales"; "Blattodea"; "Boletales"; "Cantharellales"; "Caudata"; "Ciliophora"; "Chilopoda"; "Chytridiales"; "Coleoptera"; “Collembola”; "Condrictes"; "Corticiales"; "Crustacea"; "Cyanophyta"; "Dermaptera"; "Diplopoda"; "Diptera"; "Diversisporales"; "Dothideomycetes"; "Embioptera"; "Ephemeroptera"; "Eurotiomycetes"; "Fishs"; "Flagellata"; "Flora"; "Funga"; "Geastrales"; "Gigasporales"; "Gloeophyllales"; "Glomerales"; "Gomphales"; "Gastropoda" "Gymnophiona"; "Harpochytridiales"; "Hemiptera"; "Hymenochaetales"; "Hymenoptera"; "Hysterangiales"; "Insecta"; "Isoptera"; "Jaapiales"; "Laboulbeniomycetes"; "Lecanoromycetes"; "Lepidoptera"; "Lepidostromatales"; "Leotiomycetes"; “Mammalia”; "Mantodea"; "Mecoptera"; "Megaloptera"; "Merostomata"; "Microcoryphia"; "Monoblepharidales"; “Mollusca”; "Monera"; "Neolectomycetes"; "Neuroptera"; "Odonata"; "Orbiliomycetes"; "Orthoptera"; "Osteíctes"; "Ostracodermos"; "Paraglomerales"; "Pezizomycetes"; "Phallales"; "Phasmatodea"; "Phthiraptera"; “Pisces”; "Placodermes"; "Plecoptera"; "Pneumocystidomycetes"; "Polyporales"; "Protist"; "Psocoptera"; "Raphidioptera"; "Reptilia"; "Russulales"; "Saccharomycetes"; "Sarcodina"; "Schizophyta"; "Schizosaccharomycetes"; "Scorpionida"; "Sebacinales"; "Siphonaptera"; "Sporozoa"; "Strepsiptera"; "Sordariomycetes"; "Symphyla"; "Taphrinomycetes"; "Thelephorales"; "Trechisporale"; "Trichoptera"; "Thysanoptera"; "Thysanura"; "Zoraptera"; "Zygomycetes". When accessing the publications from the search results, we searched for the following keywords in all studies found in the results: “Aratuba”; “Baturité”; “Capistrano”; “Caridade”; “Guaramiranga”; “Mulungu”; “Pacoti” and “Redenção ”. When finding the word(s), the existence of a more precise location of the occurrence record was checked, such as coordinates, altitude elevations, indicative maps or property names. Such properties had their coordinates checked using the Google Earth Pro software and the Mapcarta online platform ( to verify whether the occurrence is located within the Baturité Mountain EPA. When such information was non-existent, the occurrence was discarded, except of those that had an explicit indication that the species was registered in “Baturité Mountain EPA”, “Ombrophylous Forest” or “Rainforest” in one of the municipalities used as a keyword, as well as records that reported only “Guaramiranga” as the place of occurrence was considered, taking into account that 93.43% of the territory of the municipality of Guaramiranga belongs to the EPA (Ribeiro et al. 2022). We checked in parallel geospatial data from Baturité Mountain EPA to analyze whether the coordinates obtained are included in the EPA, a map of the region was drawn up based on geospatial data with municipal delimitations and EPA delimitations obtained from the Environmental Spatial Data Platform of the State of Ceará (PEDEA-CE, from the acronym in Portuguese) (, and on the official data platform of the National System of Protected Areas, by the Ministry of the Environment (, respectively, being plotted in the Google Earth Pro software (Figure 1c, d). Thereafter, we analyzed the CiteScore ( of the journal in which the record was published and analyzed, which would have to be greater than or equal to 0.9. When the CiteScore was not included for the journal, we considered Qualis Periodicals classification, by the Federal agency CAPES that coordinates graduate courses in the country (Qualification of periodicals for the four year 2017 - 2020) (, with restrictions on periodicals belonging to strata A1 to B3. Therefore, undergraduate monographies and dissertations were not considered in this study, since they are unpublished works and therefore not valid. A search was also made for management plans for Protected Area defined as Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPN, from the acronym in Portuguese) that are limited to the Baturité Mountain EPA, with the search being carried out for such units on the RPPN Computerized Monitoring System platform - SIMRPPN (, followed by the search for individual management plans using the online platform of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (https://www Six RPPNs included in the Baturité Mountain EPA were identified: RPPN Sítio Palmeira Natural Reserve; RPPN Natural Serra da Pacavira (Sítio Horizonte Belo); RPPN Sítio Lagoa; RPPN Belo Monte; RPPN Gália; and RPPN Passaredo, however, only the first three have a sustainability management plan, which had their species occurrence records considered in this work, being cited as: Asa-Branca, 2011 a, b; and Portela et al. 2022, respectively. Aiming to verify all types of protected areas in the region, we also analyzed the management plan for the “Periquito Cara-Suja” Wildlife Refuge, however, the only species mentioned in it is Pyrrhura griseipectus Salvadori, 1900 ( Periquito-Cara-suja) After compiling the data, the scientific nomenclature of the taxa was reviewed, using the online platforms: Catalog of Life (; Flora and Funga of Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (; and the Taxonomic Catalog of Brazilian Fauna (TCBF) ( The vernacular (common) names of each taxon were also indicated when available in publications or on the online platforms of the Agrolink (; American Museum Of Natural History (; Arboretum Program for Conservation and Restoration of Forest Diversity (; Biodiversity4all (; Biofaces (; Brazilian Biodiversity Information System (; Cerrado Museum (; Digital Flora Project (; Embrapa (; Fruit Collecting Project (; Leguminosae in Brazil (; National Flora Conservation Center (; Online Dendrological Identification System (; Pl@ntNet (; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (; Trees of the Cerrado Biome (; USP Botany Garden Project - Ribeirão Preto ( and WikiAves (https://www.wikiaves. We chose to share the common name in Portuguese as it can be useful for communicating locally. We consider Whittaker's (1959) classification, contemplating the division of living beings into five kingdoms: Monera, Protist, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. We chose this classification due to its synoptic characteristic and easy relationship with ecological principles, making it still the most used in modern discussion of textbooks (Hagen, 2012). We investigated the registered species of the Baturité Mountain EPA to account for endemic and exotic cases to the Brazilian territory, migratory taxa and endangered. We carried out searches on the online platforms Flora and Funga of Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (, on the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (TCBF) (, and in the American Museum of Natural History (, as well as in the occurrence record publications for some species: Rodrigues et al. 2004, 2014; Guedes et al. 2014; Roberto & Loebmann, 2016; Vale et al. 2018; Nogueira et al. 2019; Pacheco et al. 2021; Uchôa et al. 2022) to collect data on the species. To verify the species threatened with extinction, the official list of fauna and flora species threatened with extinction was analyzed - Decree MMA No. 148, of June 7, 2022 (MMA, 2022), which results from the assessment of the risk of extinction of species carried out by ICMBio between 2015 and 2021, as well as Appendices I, II, and III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora - CITES (CITES, 2023). The CITES defines and classifies more than 35,000 species to be protected according to the degree of threat, with three different levels listed (Appendices I, II , and III) protection against overexploitation (MRE, 2014; CITES, 2023). Appendix I contains threatened species whose international trade is prohibited; Appendix II contains species where the level of threat is of little concern; however, international trade must be strictly controlled to avoid an increase in the level of threat. Appendix III includes species protected in certain countries, which request assistance from other countries to prevent exploitation and control trade of these species (CITES, 2023). We used the online platforms of Flora and Funga of Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (; the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (TCBF) (; and the Brazilian Biodiversity Information System - SiBBr ( to research the exotic species present in the EPA of Baturité Mountain. We obtained data on migratory species through the work of Somenzari et al. 2018 and CEMAVE, 2023, who carried out panoramic studies on migratory birds in Brazil. Finally, in order to compare diversity based on biotic change, we analyzed Beta diversity (β) to measure how much diversity between spatial units differs from each other, using Sorensen's dissimilarity index (1948), “seen as one of the most effective presence/absence similarity measures” (Magurran, 2013), with formula DS = 2a / (2a + b + c) (Provete et al. 2011; Magurran, 2013). Where “a” is the number of species shared by both sampling units; “b” is number of species present in sample one but not in sample two, and “c” represents the number of species present in sample two that are not present in sample one (Provete et al. 2011; Magurran, 2013). According to the formula, if the sampling units do not have any shared species, the similarity value (CS) will be equal to zero, and when they share all species, the value will be equal to one (Provete et al. 2011). We used data on presence/absence of floristic diversity in the Baturité Mountain EPA compared to three National Parks located in different Brazilian biogeographic regions; the Itatiaia National Park, belonging to the Atlantic Forest, the Pico da Neblina National Park, belonging to the Amazon Forest and the Sempre-Vivas National Park, in the Cerrado. .These Protected Areas are those with the most species records for each respective biome on the online platform of the Plant Catalog of Conservation Units in Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (, platform where we obtained species occurrence data, being compiled and analyzed from August 2023 to November 2023. |